Before Coming To Aconcagua, You Should Read This

To climb Aconcagua, it is necessary to acclimatize first. To begin the ascent, you must move to Plaza de Mulas. Until there is the recreational part, to put it somehow, since once you are at the base camp, the time to climb Aconcagua begins. You realize how imposing Mount Aconcagua is when at noon, the top of the hill covers you with the sun, which is truly impressive. Acclimatizing at the height is the base of everything. You have to rest a lot, sleep as much as possible. You can hydrate all the time. From a personal opinion, it was difficult for me to assimilate that you must move very calmly at the height. Not like we do on the plain. Likewise, the height makes you feel as if you are moving too much. Water plays a fundamental role in this acclimatization process since hydration is essential. And there we enter a crossroads, since the water, when taken directly from the snow, is overloaded with minerals, which can cause stomach discomfort that could dehydrate you. Then what d...